jwfacts... I was wondering if you have ever spoken to Angus about the "mental ingraining" that JWs have of "This is Jehovah's organization, we must protect the image of it" "We don't want Jehovah's name damaged"
(I can't even remember the exact way witnesses say this... I never did my self... I thought, "God can protect his own name, let people go down with their own wrongdoings")
I mean I was standing next to a close relative of an abuse victim, who one moment was calling the WT lawyers liars, and the next moment just about screaming that she had to protect Jehovah's name.
I do not understand how it is not something easily found written in any publications, but it is buried deep into many JW's brains, and pops out of their mouths so automatically.
Have you been able to help Angus become aware of this?